If you have questions about this please DM me on discord. Decompiling the jar file is strongly discouraged. Any use of this plugin's code should be for individual use. No part of the plugin should be reposted (modified or unmodified). Shane McConkey, regarded as the most influential skier in the world, believed that if you have the courage to be authentic, anything is possible. You should live your life to the glory of His name. You have only one life to live and you should seek to live it in honour and praise of God. Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints (Psalm 116:15 New King James Version). If you are curious here is a link to his first video where he explains it TOPIC: YOU HAVE ONLY ONE LIFE TO LIVE BY T. This plugin was made in inspiration from Grian's "3rd life" series. It will return the player's message.įor questions, feature ideas, Last Life servers, or bug reports, you can join my discord server:ġ00 downloads- colored nametag feature (✔️)ġ,000 downloads - Thank you so much! (✔️)ĥ,000 downloads - I don't know what to say at this point (✔️)ġ0,000 downloads - Plugin Wiki ( Wiki is being made.) Through practising the instructions presented in this book we can transform our life from a state of misery into one of pure and everlasting happiness. It will only work in the LastLife config for chat formatting.

Mdundo started in collaboration with some of Africas best artists.

Returns a color corresponding to whatever life a player is on (if the player was on green it would return the color green, etc. Download music from your favorite artists for free with Mdundo. Returns a bracketed number that corresponds to the life a person is on. Return the player's name in the color corresponding to their life.